Gli Allegroni short movies serie.
Some type of sub-title
Gli Allegroni are quite ugly creatures: dirty and above all stupid, awfully stupid.
They lack of the basic skills to survive driven by a supernatural lazyness, you'll never see an Allegrone chasing a prey, growing something or striving to build a shelter, the effort could easily kill them.
But then this is the primary reason why they die like flies, young naive flies.
That's why Mother Nature blessed them with two gifts that save them form extinction: an amazing reproductive process (fatigue free); and a partial to losing time behind nonsense that, theoretically, should keep them away from dangers but invariably leads them to death. Yes, Mother Nature is wrong now and then and we just love to watch them die.

The second allegrone has arrived and is called Socrate. It's 90 % Blender and 10% Sculptris for the initial sketch, so it's my first 3D character completely realized with free software.

Gli Allegroni