Dot Exploration
For this project we were given a whole punch and asked explore the various way to combine and separate dots according to a set of instructions.
Dot Icon Exploration
This project was a challenge to create familiar and recognizable objects out of round dots of white paper on a black background.
Reduction Exploration
This project was completed in multiple steps, The first was to find an image and trace and shade it using full tonal shades. We were asked to reduce the image by hand and eventually continued the process in Adobe Illustrator until we achieved a final image in just black and white that accuraely portrayed the original image and its' details.
Pixel Exploration
This project was divided into two halves. The first was to organize a set number of pixels into a composition that showed "organization." The second was to organize the same number of pixels into a composition that showed "randomness."
Texture Exploration
This was one of my favorite projects of the class. We were asked to photograph different textures and arrange them in variations that showed a couple different aspects. One composition alternated between smooth and rough textures and some other composition exaggerate the directionality of the textures. The final composition was meant to show a transition or gradient effect between the various texture samples collected. 
Interactive Exploration
This project was an exploration of combining words that are descriptive of our personality and small squares that were cut from a magazine and assigned at random. 
Rhythym Exploration
For this project we were asked to create a composition that mimics the rhythym and melody of a song of our choosing. The length and colors of the bars are meant to create emphasis on the specific parts of the rhythym. We also had to create a QR code that will take you to a link that has the song and our still composition. 
Poster Contest
This project challenged the class to submit a poster and short paper that brings to light an issue related to the topic of food. I chose to shed some light on a topic relevant to anyone who shops in a grocery store. Often times we are told things are fresh, and that may not be true. My intention when designing this poster was to guide my audience to stop and think about the things we are putting in our bodies. 
DSGD63 Graphic Visualization
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DSGD63 Graphic Visualization

The title of this class was Graphic Visualization and Professor Jean Levy lead us through a semester of exercises and explorations that challenge 詳細を表示

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