Profil Ilya Nodia

Rinat VS Lymphoma

Let me introduce you with really cool person. His name is Rinat.
He is not an actor, not a politician, not an athlete.

He is much more.
A year ago, this guy was ill of lymphoma. He decided that he would not give up.
He created an account in instagram @rinat_vs_lymphoma to his friends, where he wrote the story about how he overcomes his illness.

Very soon, this kind of photoblog became a real guide to 80 thousand people about how not to give up.
Now he has released a book about his struggle.
And yes, he kicked the impudent ass of lymphoma.
Now he's work in his favorite thing - a tattoo.

And he does it very cool.
Do not give up, stay healthy, and do the business of your dream!
Rinat VS Lymphoma

Rinat VS Lymphoma

Story of a big man
