Ferrari DS 님의 프로필

SF Ordinary Love Stories

"hey... I think something's missing,
'Cause there ain't no U in SAN FRANCISCO."
- The lost alphabet -
01 : Balcony
"You had me at hello."

- Once upon a time on Powell Street -

02 : Cable Car
"Easy, girl. 
There's no potion in there."

- My afternoon clumsiness fix -

03 : Cafe
"Do we still have umeshu left?"
"I'm gonna take it, a sparkling, and two cups!"

"No, no,
One is enough."

- Because pool water is warmer at night. -

04 : Swimming Pool
"It's okay to hurt,
it's okay to say goodbye,
'cause we know love already left us and we'll be fine someday."

- Pleasure farewell - 

05 : Bay Area
"Daddy! Look! We gonna cross a red bridge!"
"Haha, It's 'Golden Gate Bridge', boy."
"But why do you call the golden gate bridge when it's red and not gold?"
"Actually it's orange. The tour guide told me."

- The symbol of San Francisco -

06 : Golden Gate Bridge
SF Ordinary Love Stories

SF Ordinary Love Stories

Me, moving to San Francisco for half a year. Beautiful scenery here's so amazing I can't stop myself loving and drawing them.


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