Profil użytkownika „Samantha Larsen”

Wine packaging - Alcohol free wine sold online

RELIEF Alcohol free wine
A concept for wine sold only online, that uses social networks as part of the experience.
The assignment was to create the packaging for a wine line sold only online, that uses the social networks as part of the experience.

I created the brand; RELIEF, which was my idea for an alcohol free line of wines sold online. The name RELIEF was created from the perspective of how the wines are sold and branded. When you buy a wine you get a quote of why you should feel good about your current purchase. For example; you just minimized the risk of liver cancer by buying alcohol free wine...What a RELIEF! This quote, which comes in different messages, are then also printed on the back of the wine label.

When this quote comes up, you can either share your goodness on Facebook, Twitter etc. or you can log on to the internal RELIEF profile site and post your purchase, debate with other RELIEF costumers and much more.

It is a concept of instant goodness and healthy living shared with the world!

Page that pops up when you complete your online purchase
Different wine labels - the gray on the champagne label is suppose to be silver
Wine packaging - Alcohol free wine sold online

Wine packaging - Alcohol free wine sold online

Wine packaging - project for wine sold online, that uses social networks as part of the experience. Concept: RELIEF alcohol free wine
