Perfil de Caroline Zheng

MICA Competitive Scholarship 2015-2016

18" x 24"
"Visual Translation"
8" x 8"
After picking three stuffed animals as my three random, but related objects, I was told to make icons of them. I wanted to make them simple, but detailed enough to capture the plushie qualities of the stuffed animals.
"Bunny on the Moon"
The project was the create a repeating pattern based on a myth or folklore. The myth I chose was the Moon Rabbit, an Asian folklore about a rabbit that lives on the moon pounding mochi, or rice cake. Mochi can be used to make many different kinds of desserts, which can be seen in the pattern. 
"How to Make Gummy Bears"
18" by 24"
6" x 8"
Printed on Laser Standard
A book where I playd with the defintion of "space" using photography.
"Five Centimeters per Second"
18" by 24"
A remimagined poster made for the Five Centimeters per Second, a movie that revolves around a promise made between two people under a cherry blossom tree.
"Chronicles of Narnia Volume 1-3"
5.75" x 8.5"
Printed on Arches Cream Cover 
A reimagined book cover project where I tried to preserve the classical look of the Chronicles of Narnia, while making it more modern as well. 
"Spacial Translation"
30" x 6"
Printed on cardstock
This was made after observing a space.
"Quentin Shih"
Poster: 18" by 24"
Book: 7" by 8.5"
Book printed on Laser Standard
A project where we were told to pick a photographer and create an exhibition poster and biography bookcover for him/her. I choose Quentin Shih, a Taiwanese photographer who uses bright, colored lights in dark settings in many of his works. Trying to emulate his style, I used red and blue lights  in my photography. As the photos were eye catching as is, I decided to keep the design of the poster and the book covers simple so it wouldn't detract the viewers from the photos. 
6" x 9"
A type specimen created for the font Rotis.
MICA Competitive Scholarship 2015-2016

MICA Competitive Scholarship 2015-2016

A number of projects completed in the 2015-2016 semester to be reviewed for the MICA Competitive Scholarship.
