alex edwards 的个人资料

Ten Words : Make Connections

Original design brief explored the use of traditional linoblock printing as the start for a final piece double page spread in a booklet based on Ten Words to encourage Creativeness around Liverpool. The inspiration behind the 'ten words' concept credited to Simon Rhodes at Smilin Wolf Design Agency, Liverpool. 
The original carved linoblock print below represents the geographical features of merseyside including prominent places personally and within Liverpool and the Wirral. Its an electronic map of potential connections throughout the creative community, referencing online interactions through multiple social media platforms, email and websites. 
By printing using a single colour altering scale, size and placement this produces a CMYK overprinted of the 3 colour format. As well as representing simply electronically connecting and collaborating with other creative souls, the placement of the connecting lines and circuit board symbols signifies the random potential meetings and interactions available to us everyday and the importance of making the most of these to form new groups/ projects and outcomes, in the same way CMYK printing does. 
The artwork was applied to a double spage spread in the required format, along with my personal message. The negative space and simple text balancing the colourful opposite page. 
Ten Words : Make Connections

Ten Words : Make Connections

Producing a double page spread for a booklet explaining a key concept in encouraging creativeness.
