Nishant Satanekar さんのプロファイル

User Experience Consultancy at Neudesic

My Role: User-Experience Consultant Intern. (April 2011 - May 2011)

Work Profile: I worked as a UX Consultant intern in PNW office of Neudesic. In my brief stint of two months, I evaluated old website, gathered requirements, wireframed support pages and provided graphic design elements for pages within Microsoft's QuickStart Online Services (QSOS) Partner Network. It required close collaboration with client - Microsoft, UX team and web developers. Towards the end of the project, I helped compose a 'design strategy guide' which served as a handbook of branding guidelines, design rationales, architecture layouts and web copywriting. I was also briefly involved in other client project of designing case management iPad app for CorVel - an insurance provider company, where I did competitve study of other case management apps and provided recommendations as rough mockups.

Responsibilities: Client Collaboration, heuristic and competitive analysis, requirements gathering, information architecture and wireframing using Axure, provide graphic design elements using Photoshop, conduct review cycles with clients, document design guidelines, coordinate with web developers for the launch of website.

About Neudesic: Founded in 2002, Neudesic is a Microsoft National Systems Integrator and Gold Certified Partner with a proven track record of providing reliable, effective solutions based on Microsoft’s technology platform. Neudesic’s technical and industry expertise empowers enterprises to enhance their technological capacity and respond to business opportunities with a greater level of efficiency. Headquartered in Irvine, Calif., Neudesic offers innovative products and services through offices located nationwide. It also serves global clients from offices in Hyderabad and Bangalore in India.
Microsoft QSOS Support Page Wireframes
This page required to inform about different support functions provided by QSOS to its partners. Hence for easier browsability, functions were compartmentalized into two major verticals – products support and service support with each carrying content chunks for individual support function. Content for each support function was condensed and revised for better comprehension.
Img 1. Wireframe for Support Page with each support functions
Img 2. Live Microsoft's QSOS Support webpage 
Img 3. Individual Support Function Page Wireframe (for Customers)
Img 4. Individual Support Function Page Wireframe (for Partners)
Corvel Case Management iPad App (very rough) Conceptual Mockup

CorVel's case management app helps Corvel's clients to submit a request for service, check real-time case notes and view patient treatment calendars via iPad application. Primary objective of case management application on a mobile platform is to eliminate delays and improve workflows, and make it easy and convenient to facilitate return to work.
Img 5. Patient's Summary Information
Img 6. Patient treatment details could be viewed by each date on calendar
Img 7. Filter treatment cases for each patient (landscape view)
User Experience Consultancy at Neudesic
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User Experience Consultancy at Neudesic

User Experience Consultancy for Microsoft, CorVel

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