Henkilön Megan Koeppel profiili

Competitive Scholarship 2016

Sculpie book cover based off of the Duomo in florence with an acordian book full of ink and graphite drawings.
Expandable Encaustic Book; wax, damar varnish, rice paper, ink, thread, charcoal.
Handmade box with book. Collage, ink and marker.
Acorrdian book with written signatures. Durlar, paper, graphite and ink.
Large Journal; Photo of two pages, collage, inl and graphite.
H 30" by W 38" Acrylic ink and graphite.
Portrait in water color W 18" by H 24".
W 3' by H 4' Oil on gessoed paper.
Triptych oil on canvas. H 18"' by W 30".
Oil on canvas W 3' by H 4'.
Competitive Scholarship 2016

Competitive Scholarship 2016

Painting, Drawing and Book Arts work for MICA Competitive Scholarship 2016.


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