Your Quiet Place: My son Jackson and I waited for the right light to pass through the clouds and hit the bench just so. It was a very cold day but we captured some beautiful images. 
Unnoticed Beauty - These salt pellets and 'helicopter leaves' are trampled over and ignored everyday. Getting down on their level allowed me to see their true beauty especicially in the detail in the leaf. That's life though, sometimes you won't see how beautiful things can be until you change your perspective. 
Giant Softbox - I shot this image about 15 feet away from my front door. It was only a few hours before a huge storm set in and it looked to be a dreary day. Take advantage of those days. When the sun is blocked by clouds you have a giant softbox in the sky offering you even light on bascially everything. 
Alone Yet Mighty - I love this image. This small tree stood alone in the field against the blistering cold and blowing snow you can see blurred in the frame. I felt a sense of defiance from the tree that I really wanted to capture. 
Barred Painting: I like this image alot because it is a scene I stumbled upon after visiting a 'scenic overlook' I passed that I thought would make a good scene. The sky looked like a beautiful painting while the trees seemed to rise up like bars on a prison window. 
Two Drops - While falling snow can be beautiful and wonderful to shoot, melting snow and ice can be equally as photogenic if you know what you're looking for. This image was taken about 20 feet from my front door on the apple tree we planted last year.  
Window Cleaner - For this image I was trying to showcase a faster shutter speed. What I learned was that these droplets would have really popped if I would have gone into the 1000fps shutter speed. To set this shot up I put my black leather planner behind the spray bottle and lit the scene from the front. (Another mistake I made. Apparently it's best to light droplets from behind). 
An uncertain path - I'm torn with this image. I love the framing and the abyss that seems to be in the center of the frame. The recycling bin I knew would be an issue but I wasnt comfortable moving it and moving the camera to avoid the bin would have meant sacrificing the frame so I decided to accept it. What really tears me up about this image is that right after I shot it, as I was loading my gear in the car, a family of three deer ran across the road. This demonstrates an important factor in shooting. Wait for the moment. Set your frame, layer you image and wait for the action to cross your path. 
Snowed In - A big thanks to my family for putting up with me while we were snowed in for a few days. I wanted to play around with some different perspectives with the camera while showing one of my favorite activities with my kids. I hope you enjoy. 
CVD Portfolio

CVD Portfolio

During the Composition and Visual Design course at Full Sail University we captured a few still images with our new FS 700s and put together a sh Read More
