Mafalda Nevesilustra's profile

A get together of Monsters

Monsters go to Maribor
Some type of sub-title
           In 2012 I was one of the lucky artists chosen to be a part of the program Guestroom Maribor in Slovenia.   Each artist received a scholarship to make a personal work inspired by the city and for its citizens. My work consisted of creating giant gaps of drawing in a cartoon style that occupied diferent places around the city. This giant metalic bilboards were created so i could draw in them with a black pen an exact continuation of what i saw behind each panel, this way when people approach it they need to find the exact spot where reality meets the drawing.
           So it wouldnt be a doll image and people couldnt predict what they would find in each panel I decided to include this foregneirs, this aliens, that come to visit the town and give some colour to the pannels. Each monster is drawn by hand on paper and then worked on Photoshop CS5. Their textures come from photos that i took from diferente walls in Maribor. This way I tryed to make people take a new look at the places so familiar to them and introduce new friends that can make daily life a bit more unusual.
Bird Monster
Mommy Monster
Shopping Monster
Tourist Monster
Harry is the ultimate turist..he never misses a thing.
A special little girl.
Marvin is overjoyed with everything that he sees and cant stop smilings...Merton wnated to go to Ibiza....
This is Misses Edith..her secred hobbie consists of throwing rocks at children...
These three live under your bed...
The village was complete the moment they met.
The village was complete the moment they met.
City Park Maribor, Slovenia.
work on process in one of the pannels
Pannel put into place
Pannel put into place
A get together of Monsters

A get together of Monsters

