"The Lamplighters Faith Through the Night"  -John Knott
"Atlas Sculpture"  a time lapse photo of a sculpture made of barbwire by John Knott
"A Puppy's Spring Training!"  - John Knott
"The Reflection of Ursus Majorus"  - John Knott
"The Stone The Builder Refuse!"  - John Knott
"Homeless Humble Honored"  - John Knott
"Great Reno Balloon Races"  - John Knott
"Blessed are the pure of heart!"  drawing by John Knott
"Stone Mother of Pyramid Lake, Nevada"  photographer  John Knott    
The Legend of Mount Rose Nevada
by John Knott
“A young princess named Rose sought only to marry the sun.
She arose from the earth in tune with the sun,
She gave thanks to the Creator, prayed for safety, and began her adventure,
Trekking West across the Great Continent of North America.
Many months, crossing plains, and fording rivers, onward she went.
Climbing the mighty Rocky Mountain’s east face,
Building a toboggan from willow branches to slide down the Wasatch.

Steady she proceeded through the blinding salt-flats
Conserving her water and strength traveling the Great Basin Desert at night.
Singing in the cadence of her ancestors.
The rhythm of her every footstep accompanied by the beat of her heart.
Only her sunshine before her, the moon and her shadow behind her to keep her company
Her love song carried her through the forests, motivating her through
seemingly endless deserts of creosote, sage and sand.
Rose’s voice echoed from the mountains with each passing day.
Sore from her journey, Rose rested her aching feet
Pausing beside the mesmerizing blue waters of Lake Tahoe
The pinyon seed providing nourishment
she rested under the shade of mighty ponderosa.
A place of great peace, her eyes transfixed by the glimmering sunlight off the blue water.
After sitting, she had difficulty standing again, muscles aching from the journey
She winced in great effort, in tears of pain unable to stand, she made camp for the night.
Her powerful legs growing harder as the sun slipped over the ridgeline.
The strong washoe zepher wind howled like the wolfpack in the valley below.
Wisely and slowly, Rose rolled onto her back, stretching, waiting for the moon.
There she remained, through the brilliant sunset, watching the starlight tapestry emerge
Tracing the sky path, counting shooting stars amidst these comforting familiar mountains
Deep within mother earth, a hot spring warmed and soothed her through the night
Enchanted, Rose’s body transformed into sparkling granite like the stars above
A lite blanket of snow covering her and protecting her
To this day, Mount Rose is kissed by the rising sun,
A love unconditional and never broken!”
- John Knott author / graphic artist / photographer
"Whiskey is for drinking,  water is worth fighting for!"  featuring Samuel Clemens of The Territiorial Enterprise during an epic snowboard shoot in the Sierra snowpack.  - John Knott reporting
"Turkey's resemblance!"  - graphic artist John Knott reporting
  - Emma Lazarus
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, 
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. 
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. 
I lift my lamp beside the golden door. 
"A link of the chain is broken free. 
A symbol most profound, for our Lady Liberty."  - John Knott
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.   "    graphic artist John Knott aknowledging the beauty of Braille
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.   "    graphic artist John Knott aknowledging the beauty of Braille
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change!"  - Dr. Stephen Hawking     note the suped up 4x4 mobility ATV complete with run flat hexigon tires adapted for all circumstances.  :)  - John Knott graphic artist
"Brusha Brushaaaahhh!"  honoring my fellow veterans with a tip of the hat for the non-profit Adopt a Vet Dental Program helping cover down with pro-bono dental care in tandem with the Veterans Administration hooah.  - graphic artist John Knott  US Army Medic  
"Gap in Generations!"    a tactful observation regarding the growing seperation consumerism has with respect to the land, wildlife management, and the way our elders sustained themselves so that we may be.  Call me old fashioned.  - Veteran John Knott  graphic artist
"Much Needed Precipitation"  Reno, Nevada  John Knott photographer
"Tesla-Elvis Gaze"  graphic artist John Knott
"Tesla-Elvis Applause!"  graphic artist John Knott
"Tesla Elvis One More!"  -John Knott graphic artist
"Tesla-Elvis Gambling!"  graphic artist John Knott
"Tesla-Elvis Jammin"   graphic artist John Knott
"Anakin's Picture Day!"  It is said, a child's psychology is profoundly affected by the result of picture day.  Perhaps this explains it...  - graphic artist John Knott
TK702 is on the factory line inflating footballs to standard before the big game.  - graphic artist John Knott
"Broseph Greg pauses for a photo on Tatooine"  -graphic artist  John Knott
"Traffic Control Point"  Safety is paramount with inclament weather.  The storm trooper meteorology reminds you chains or snow tires are in effect for the region.  Carry on!  - graphic artist John Knott 
"It's a Speed-Trap!"  General Akbar keeping on eye out for the empire troopers during Street Vibrations  Reno, NV  - graphic artist John Knott
"Wookie Seat!"  - graphic artist John Knott
"William's Introspection!"  featuring my friend, hip hop artist, poet, and father Mr. William Tree Woods - graphic artist John Knott
Vader:  "Room Service,  yes, this is the Empire Suite, please send up my coffee...  I like it how I like my Deathstar,  bitter, brutal, and a little on the dark side!"   graphic artist  John Knott  reporting  
"Drought Security Measures!"  graphic artist  John Knott
"The City of Trembling Leaves!"  graphic artist  John Knott
"We The People!"  Matrix Theme.  by John Knott "Knottilus"
John Knott Folio

John Knott Folio

