Oriol Castellar's profile

Japan 2πr


Japó és conegut com el país del sol naixent, això explica la importància que té la formalització del cercle en la seva cultura. Japó és conegut com el país del sol naixent, això explica la importància que té la formalització del cercle en la seva cultura. L’enquadernat i acabats de la peça defugen també els clixés dels clàssics, entenen i tenint present factors com la volumetria del llibre i entent-l’ho també com un objecte.


The book of Japan was started as an objective to create a visually attractive piece that would show and tell the Japanese culture regarding its most representative element: the circle. Japan is known as the 'Land of the Rising Sun', which reveals the importance of the usage of the circle shape in the culture.
The binding and the finishing of this product avoid the classic clichés, taking into account aspects such as the volumetric shape of the book as well as the conception of the piece as an object.
Japan 2πr


Japan 2πr

The book of Japan was started as an objective to create a visually attractive piece that would show and tell the Japanese culture regarding its m Read More
