Yi Chen Lin's profile

南門點心坊|Nanmen Dim Sum

《 南門點心坊 》 

廿個年頭走過,經歷兩代的麵點師傅向前輩苦學到道地廣式點心, 已擁有了二十年的揉麵手勁。 

For nearly 20 years, the Nanmen Dim Sum's chefs already had learned the Cantonese dim sum and intricate skills from masters. They carefully select fresh ingredients, be attention to the details of food and try to serve dishes in the best possible way. The Nanmen Dim Sum uses traditional ingredients and skills to give people the opportunity to experience a classic charming Cantonese dim sum culture. Now, you can spend a lazy afternoon sipping tea and feasting on the innumerable assortment of dim sum.


Type.  Branding design / Logotype, Layout, Website 
Client.  Nanmen Dim Sum 
Date.  2014

南門點心坊|Nanmen Dim Sum

南門點心坊|Nanmen Dim Sum

廿個年頭走過,經歷兩代的麵點師傅向前輩苦學到道地廣式點心,已擁有了二十年的揉麵手勁。在內餡上使用鮮蔬肉材、精選原物料、堅持烹調的細節過程,造就出正宗廣粵茶樓的麵點和經典港式點心,傳承獨樹一格的粵式文化。 沏壺香茶搭配蒸籠點心,繼續漫天暢談,饗食度日。
