Space to me is the familiar three-dimensional region or field of everyday experience which can get
visually mundane or routine like and at times disorients one.

I have the tendency of spacing out within an enclosed area that I am constantly exposed to and then
getting fixated on an area till it becomes fuzzy in my mind. It is an experience that I relate to as writing
a word repeatedly and then discovering for a second when I stop that I have lost the meaning of it.
When this occurs, I seize the moment to rummage in my bag of imagination and begin transforming
this banal spot into a possible playground.

The work in this series evolved from a current body of oil on canvases that is an exploration of the
relationship between a female figure and the space that she is in. The highlight of each illustration is the influence of a particular animal or insect which is abstractly manipulated to incorporate into a specific area of the space that the character is in. Black Knitter, Yellow Honey and Pink Masquerade was recently showcased at the Affordable Art Fair Singapore 2011.
Yellow Honey
Mixed media on watercolor paper | 20.25 x 29.25 in | 2011
Pink Masquerade
Mixed media on watercolor paper | 20.25 x 29.25 in | 2011
Black Knitter
Mixed media on watercolor paper | 20.25 x 29.25 in | 2011



Mixed media on watercolor paper 20.25 x 29.25 in 2011
