Chayan Roy's profile

Assigning tasks in Flock

Flock is a chat app that's being used by startups and fast moving teams to get their work done faster. 
We were building a To-do feature which can be assigned to a person and scheduled to a date.

Job stories | Assigning someone else

When the user needs to complete a large task -

He wants to divide the large task in small todos and evenly divide (?) it within a team find the name of the person to whom he can assign it to and set a completion date.

(Motivation of the assigner: to find someone or multiple members from his team to whom he can assign it to.

Is available (?) and free enough (?) to complete the task.

So that he can make sure the task gets completed on time, when it’s evenly distributed within the team. (potential feature filtering by assigned - who’s doing which and how many ASSIGNED todos at any given time, so that he doesn’t overload a team member)

(Anxiety of the assigner: Not able to find someone to whom he can assign the task which needs to be completed asap.

Causality: if the assignee is already overloaded, a discussion might even lead to delay and eventually result in task not getting completed.)

The number of existing assigned todos by the assignee might not be the decision factor for the assigner since the assignee can create as many self todos he can.

(alternative) The app might not be the best source of the overload information, assigner can simply ask a potential assignee if they’re overloaded with other tasks. (real life discussion vs taking cue from the app)

The to-do bot would notify users when a task is assigned in a separate bot tab so as to not to clutter the group. In case an unassigned to-do is created, everyone in the groups gets to see it.

For tasks due today - the whole group gets to see it since our hypothesis was: even if the task is not getting done due to some person being busy/on leave, it's the onus of the team to pick up the task and get it done.

For tasks whose due date expired, it would come in the daily and weekly summaries.
User Testing 

UT Tasks:

1. Open shared to dos and find which user the first to do is assigned to
2. Edit the todo text
3. Add a new assignee and due date

UT Questions: 

1. Does user intuitively discover meta info of the todo?
2. Does the user discover the save button after editing a todo and realise that they have to click it to commit changes

UT Learnings: Users did not discover the meta information when due date and assignees are hidden. So we went with the unhidden option. The hidden option can be seen here.
Assigning tasks in Flock

Assigning tasks in Flock

Job stories, Interaction Design, User Testing Findings for Flock - assigning to do feature
