This space is dedicated to some things that i see and for some reason decided sketch. Here you can also found some appointments and studies for future architecture solutions.
Study of a detached house
Study of a detached house
Study of a detached house
Study of a patio-house
Study of a patio-house
Study of a patio-house
Study of a patio-house
Study of a patio-house (detail)
Study of a layout for my architecture portfolio
Study of a layout for my architecture portfolio
Some fruits on my living-room
Detail of a street lamp on a esplanade in the middle of the mountain - Orvin, Switzerland
Small lake and fountain in a City Park - Biel, Switzerland
Classic VS Modern in City Park - Biel, Switzerland
Housing building with a Rolex publicity - Biel, Switzerland
Bedroom furniture
 Living-room furniture
 Architecture notes
 Architecture notes - Tadao Ando project
 Architecture notes - Eduardo Souto Moura Patio-House
 Museum Schwab - Biel, Switzerland
 Architecture notes
Sketches Parker
Zap Book Sketches

Zap Book Sketches

Some sketch's from my zap book

