Hail, Caesar!
I've had a deep and long-standing respect for the work of the Coen brothers, so when I was approached by Hero Complex to create a print for Hail, Caesar! I was naturally more than eager. Greatly intrigued by the idea of Roman aesthetics as seen through the lens of a 1920's studio, I decided early on a bas relief-inspired concept would not only be fitting but a unique and exciting challenge as well. It was beyond satisfying attempting to reconcile likeness and the 1920's garb with a limited color palette, all the while maintaining the tricky depths of a Roman-style frieze. I don't believe I would have been able to figure it out had it not been for the excellent tutelage of my late sculpture professor, Tom McAnulty, to whom this design is dedicated. Feb. 2016.
Concept roughs
Hail, Caesar!

Hail, Caesar!

In partnership with Universal Studios and Hero Complex Gallery, I had the honor of designing an officially licensed print for the Coen brother's Read More
