This magazine cover was made, photographed and edited by me. This was a fashion magazine and the magazine was intended to display the fascinator. This taught me how magazine covers are supposed to look. What they are supposed to state and proportions of the images, texts and background ornaments. Since the theme in this magazine cover was winter. I added seasonal ornaments, gifts and snowflakes in the background. Also added seasonal colors such as red and green. 
Objective: To create a fashion magazine thats primary focus is to show the fascinator. 
What i learned: Learned how to incorporate pictures and text into one piece that others can read. Therefore it has to be appealing to the average person and has to get the information across.
I chose the colors red, blue and black because one they contrast each other. Therefore no two colors look almost the same and its clear, you wont have a hard time reading the text. Also red and green are christmas colors. These two colors represent christmas. Black goes well with the white snowflakes i have placed on the left side of the magazine. Snowflakes represent winter and christmas takes place during the winter. 
Red: This is a key color when it comes to the season of winter and christmas. This color is seen on ornaments, candy canes and socks.
Green: During christmas time green is seen almost everywhere on candy canes, trees and sweaters.
Potential layout sketches:
Magazine Cover

Magazine Cover

A magazine cover that i had created in the past

