The Egg of Columbus

D&AD Student Awards 2012
Universidade de Aveiro | Licenciatura em Design | Projeto de Design em Empresas | 2012
One day Columbus was at a dinner that a Spanish gentleman had given in his honor, and several people who were present were jealous of the great achievement he had done: the discovery of America.

“You have discovered strange lands beyond the sea...”, they said, “...What’s the big deal? We can’t see why there should be so much said about it! Anyone can sail across the ocean!” Columbus didn’t answer, but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to everybody. “Who among you, gentlemen, can make this egg stand up on its own?”

Nobody could. Then Columbus took the egg and struck it smooth and gently on the edge of the table, to break the shell a little. After that, there was no trouble in making it standing up. “It is the simplest thing in the world”, he said. “Anyone can do it now, after I had shown you how.”


This work was created for the D&AD Student Awards 2012.
With this work, I try to show a little bit of my personality and how I see design. I think there should be a physical and emotional relationship between the person who sees or admires the object and the object itself.
I enjoy when simplicity can be brilliant.
I try to pay close attention to details and concepts. I’ve created this project so that I could establish a link with this fantastic story (Egg of Columbus) and my own personality. I like when the design is simple and clean. I also appreciate depurated forms and being able to turn my ideas into material things, so that people that interact with it can become excited and emotionally touched.
The Egg of Columbus

The Egg of Columbus

The Egg of Columbus

