Perfil de Nik Bambrick

Kids' Guide to Cancer App

                           Awarded Best in Class (Charity) at the 2015 Interactive Media Awards (USA)
The Kids’ Guide to Cancer App is a world-first comprehensive guide to cancer for children. As lead UED I was privileged to begin by meeting with user cohorts including health workers, child-life therapists and most importantly families on a cancer journey. A pivotal moment in the Empathise phase was to define 8-13 year old children as the primary user, which enabled a focused solution. 
As the lower proportion of this cohort are still learning to read, we felt that characters should be central to the app's look and feel, along with a friendly balloon-motif navigation metaphor and big bouncy font. Only six main sections keep the content navigable for kids and prevent them from feeling overwhelmed. I handled the UED, touch-screen gesturing approach, Animation Storyboards & Scripts, Specification Writing and Copy in close collaboration with the Producer and Camp Quality's amazing team of advisers.
​Simple animations explain complex and confronting medical concepts. Our philosophy - shared by the client - was that children will be empowered by knowledge. The app has to be truthful but also gentle and easy to understand.
A brilliant Venezuelan-born street artist called M-lon was commisioned to create a suite of unique and lovable characters for this app. Focus Group testing early in the production process confirmed that kids loved them.
Wireframe sample - Main Menu
Wireframe and Copy sample - What is cancer?
Wireframe and Information Design sample - Different types of cancer
Early character concepts were not quite right. In this case too weird...
Too scary...
Too bog-eyed...
And then we got it right.
Kids' Guide to Cancer App
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Kids' Guide to Cancer App

Kid's Guide to Cancer app for tablet and mobile.

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