Enamored: Fictional Love Affairs

I have an obsessive personality, and when I fall in love with a narrative I invariably fall hard for its main character. It started when I was very young and saw Peter Pan for the first time. I was in awe of the female lead, Wendy, for several years. I only became more obsessive from there and that obsession continued well into my twenties.
This time line shows all of the fictional characters (as well as some celebrities) I was ever in love with and juxtaposes them against the real events in my romantic life. I realize now how much both played off of each other. The x-axis marks the age when I loved each character, the y-axis delineates the intensity of the affair, and the numbered labels give you a short description about my real-life romantic events and how they corresponded to the fiction.
For the Biodiagram project students had to create an infographic about an element of themselves to act a a biography of sorts. I chose fictional love because I had had quite a few imaginary paramours who have influenced my life.
Thank you to Jennifer Cole Phillips who helped direct this project during her Graduate Typography course. 
Enamored Biodiagram

Enamored Biodiagram

A infographic delineating some of my (perhaps too) personal love affairs that just happen to be fictional.
