Ursula Florjanczyk profili

Portfolio Application to BMC Program

The application requirements included a still life observational piece. This was done in GIMP. 2014
Another required piece for BMC - this time we were asked to create a storyboard depicting how to perform an everyday activity. I chose making a sandwhich (probably because I was hungry). Done in pencil on paper, and composited in Powerpoint. 
The BMC application required an illustration of a cross-section of an organic object. I chose to reuse the tomatoes that had starred in my "To make a sandwhich" piece. This was done in GIMP. 2014.
My very first commissions. I was asked to draw several different types of seeds for a scientific article in the Plant & Cell Physiology journal. Shown here is the final published piece. It was done in GIMP. 2014
Initial sketch was pencil on paper. Colouring was done in GIMP. 2014
Initial sketch was pencil on paper. Colouring was in GIMP. 2014
This is a landscape painting. GIMP, 2014.
This landscape was made as a going-away present for a friend. Acrylic on canvas. 2012
A study of a fish, acrylic on paper. 2012. Unfortunately, I forgot to write down what sort of fish this is. Mystery fish. 
Portfolio Application to BMC Program
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Portfolio Application to BMC Program

These pieces were included in my portfolio as part of an application to the Biomedical Communications program at the University of Toronto.

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