Vickie de Laplante 的個人檔案

The Dried Marker Manifesto

Dried Marker Manifesto
By Vickie de Laplante
It’s seeing designers who aren’t trained typographically use type. They have the kind of freedom we strive for e­­ach and every day, there’s a kind of craving for how naively powerful that can be.

It’s the greats like David Carson who we try to imitate and seek for inspiration. Looking through his work loosens the mind, and leaves it blank for you to fill. Carson’s accomplishments have carried the design world forward, but it doesn’t end here.It leaves the door open to be the next great thing, which leaves a void for us upcoming designers to fill. It will be a hard hole to fill, but someone has to do it.

It’s the way we communicate our messages not only through words or images but the combination of them both. They work together in perfect harmony delivering something more then either could standing alone.

It’s thinking not only outside, but inside the box, breaking rules but also following them, thinking completely wrong, but always right.

It’s wanting to be the one who comes up with the “how in the hell did they think of that” design - but not to stand out, not for fame or recognition, but for the excitement of knowing that someone else will see your work and try to do the same. Designers feed off one another; they leave impressions that are everlasting. Design wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for our competition.

It’s the ever-changing effect an invention can have like Gutenberg’s printing press. You can’t overlook the impact it has had on today’s society, not only in the design world, but also in the world of religion,literature, science, math.

It’s the brave individuals, sharing their weirdest of thoughts, the most original of ideas, having no fear of the public response for printing something that came from the heart.

It’s the satisfaction of knowing you tried your best to make a difference in the world. People will see your work, have an opinion, love it or hate it, learn from it or let it pass them by. Its knowing the difference you make today, could impact tomorrow. You don’t think something like design is this powerful? Well, take a look around you and think again.

It’s knowing the harder you push… The better the result.

The Dried Marker Manifesto

The Dried Marker Manifesto

A design manifesto written by me.
