I used the following tools to make the building look warped and the colors brighter. 
Magnetic Lasso Tool
I use this tool to perfect the edges of my selection and make sure the whole building and only the building was selected 
I increased the exposure and the gamma correction 
I used the liquify feature to make the building look warped
Color Relationship- 
I used the following tools to create a more saturated tone on the subject of the photo.
Polygonal Lasso Tool
I used the tool to select the area of focus in my photograph
I used the feature to sharpen her hair, some of the detail on the brick, her sweater and the flower by her back
I increased the saturation on the area of focus and decreased it in the other areas
I made the Brightness darker on the whole photograph
I increased the contrast to make the shadows more prominent 
Color Relationship- Compliment
I used the following tools to give the building cracks
I added a new layer and decreased the opacity to make a mask
Polygonal Lasso Tool
I used the polygonal lasso tool to fit the mask to only the red part of the building
I sharpened the cracks to make them more realistic
I selected the building and  increased the contrast so that the cracks stand out more.
Color Relationship- Triad 
I used the following tools to increase the warm and cool contrast.
Quick Selection Tool
I selected the vines
Color Balance
I changed the color balance to make the vines more green 
I red and yellow in the color of the stairs and columns 
Magnetic Lasso Tool
I selected the stairs and columns
Color Relationship- Compliment
I used the following tools to make the books stand out
I sharpened all of the books, focusing specifically on the words
Magic Wand Tool
I used the magic wand to select the background 
Brightness/ Contrast
I made the wall brighter
Magnetic Lasso Tool
I selected the table
Hue/ Saturation
I increased the saturation and decreased the lightness
Unit 1

Unit 1

Color Manipulation


Creative Fields