Profil appartenant à Olga Abramova

Beat & Grid research

This project was inspired by the basic principles of harmony, working for the most forms of art, including its visual and sonic sides. One of these principles is rhythm, which is the core of this study. 
So, the project is an attempt to investigate the rhythm and the connections between its visual and sonic expressions. I decided to make a research tool, which will allow a user to visualise a rhythm (and named it Beat & Grid).
Rhythm is an alternation of durations. In this project the durations are taken between the knocks, generated by a person. A wooden box covers Arduino Uno with a piezo vibration sensor, needed to get the analog data. Then the sonic patterns are acquired by Processing, which produces visuals, referencing the works of Piet Mondrian. The works of Mondrian were chosen because they are well known by the audience and have clear visual rhythms. Comparing the ins and outs gives a better understanding of different rhythms.
The process:

The components:
1. I chose a wooden board as a source of a stable knocking sound production;

2. To get a stable data of each knock I chose a piezo vibration sensor (minimising noise effect);

3. To get the signal from the sensor Arduino was used (switched to Firmata mode);

4. The rest of the work is done in Processing;

5. The generated picture is shown on the computer screen.
The result:
Beat & Grid research
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Beat & Grid research

The project is an attempt to investigate the rhythm and the connections between its visual and sonic expressions.

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