Kati Vairinens profil

Mainostorstai 2015 (visuals) - Project Management

Mainostorstai ("Ad Thursday") is an annual conference for professionals of advertising and marketing and in Turku area. The idea behind the event is to share and spread the knowledge within the branch and to make Turku area's service providers stronger together in favor to compete in business on national and international level. 

In 2015 local advertising agencies and operatives, who organise the event, suggested cooperation to our faculty of studies for the visuals of the event. As a team, me and few of my classmates were ready to handle this honorable task and got the job. What was asked was to design the visual appearance for the event, including the logo, various posters, program leaflet, name tags and other visual materials.

We got carte blanche for the outcome, but in the same time we were eager to show our talents to local professionals. The concept behind the visuals is simple - the hexagons represents atoms which together create a structure of molecules, none of them can create miracles alone, but together they can make something amazing - the core copy being Luovuuden verkko. ("The net of creativity").

In the project I was responsible of project management - schedules, client contact, task coordinating and in addition logo design and some graphic fixes. The client was happy with both the consept and our effort and we as a team got a huge amount of experience once again.

What I learned the most
+ Always make (super-)sure everyone knows their tasks and common deadlines
+ Proofread 10 times after you're sure that everything is correct and after that make someone else read it once again
+ Tight schedules creates lots of pressure, make sure to take some time for relaxing and enough time for the work

Logo design & Project Management: Kati Vairinen
Other visuals: Sanni Immonen, Ira Karvo, Julia Arko
Copywriting: Eini Vuorinen
Mainostorstai 2015 (visuals) - Project Management

Mainostorstai 2015 (visuals) - Project Management

Marketing materials for ad professionals conference 2015
