Short Video Samples
This is a new section on my portfolio which includes few samples from my personal list of short film productions. 
This video is part of a production collaboration with DRE Sebastien Photography (My own) and OWL DP for the Trevor James Flute Brand. This is a preview from the fragment called Zoomtube. 
Flutist Artist: Giovanni A. Perez
This video is part of a commercial ad about the beauties of the Island of Puerto Rico.
Este corto comercial va dirigido a la industria del turísmo que pretende resaltar las bellezas de la Isla de Puerto Rico.
In this short film the flutist artist Giovanni A. Perez is presented as a new member for the Trevor James Flute Brand. This is just the rough cut about this video, this is not the final product.
                            This is a short part of the instructional series from Trevor James flute artist Giovanni A. Perez.

                             This is the complete instructional Master Class from Trevor James artist Giovanni A. Perez.
Production Samples

Production Samples

This project contains few short films or commercial ads from my personal collection.
