Fatih Aydemir's profileCezmi Sürmeli's profile

CUBIT – bring life to your prototype

CUBIT is a physical computing tool that consists of a software and hardware part. CUBIT provides students of product design the opportunity to implement their own function models.
Despite the simplifications by today‘s microcontrollers, learning a programming language such as C++ or the construction of an electronic circuit is still difficult and time-consuming.
This is where our Bachelor project comes in. We have developed a product that reduces the learning effort while providing the advantageous possibility to incorporate CUBIT modules into functional prototypes.

Functional prototype: Arduino
To facilitate the entry into programming, the user starts with a visual programming environment .
The visual programming blocks can be moved into the canvas and linked together by drag and drop. At the same time, the corresponding textual program is displayed in a separate panel. By comparing visual and textual code, the user develops an understanding of textual programming in a natural way.
The orange colored elements are analog commands - green stands for digital commands. An interactive representation of the CUBIT board facilitates the physical positioning of the modules. In addition, the actual value of the modules is displayed on the screen.
Further on additional features, such as a project documentation, a toolbox or the Serial Monitor can be displayed individually.
The CUBIT-Hardware:
Starter kit content (Modules and CUBIT Board):
First use tutorial:
Connection guide:

User Interface Overview:
Interaction Design BA
7. Semester bachelor thesis
Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd
Fatih Aydemir, Carina Häffner

Product Design BA
7. Semester bachelor thesis
Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd

Cezmi Sürmeli, Halil Kara
CUBIT – bring life to your prototype

CUBIT – bring life to your prototype

CUBIT ist ein Physical Computing Tool, das aus einer Soft- und Hardware besteht. Studenten der Produktgestaltung bietet CUBIT die Möglichkeit, Read More
