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Shubizz Visual Merchandising

Shubizz Visual Merchandising
A Thesis Study 

 A Hollywood themed store. Shubizz is a brand that is all about catwalk worthy shoes. So here's a store concept that would perfectly match their concept of themselves. ;) The red carpet and the studio feel is the store's main design motif.

Here's a simple view of the store layout I created entirely from scratch. I used Google Sketchup for this 3D scale model of the store. Wasn't able to render it though. I don't think my laptop can handle that kind of workload for now :pBelow the perspective view is the "floor plan" of my shop. It's not exactly the floor plan that interior designers or architects use. This floor plan is less detailed. It's basically for identifying the different areas of the store.

Below are photos of the scale mock-up model I made of the store.
Island display area.
Counter area.
Shelves and shoe rack near the store entrance.
Close up shots of the shelves.
The Island Display features Marilyn Monroe's famous pose on a subway grating. With cityscape silhouettes beside her, and an actual fan blowing beneath her. 

The mannequin's dress could also be changed depending on the season.
Promo Table:
A glittery, circular red carpet table with light flashers behind the star di-cut.

Shoe Rack:
Curved structure gives it a modern twist.

Mock up scale model of promo table
Window Display
Valentine's Display scale model mock up.
Rainy season display scale model mock up.
Halloween window display scale model mock up.
Sale window display scale model mock up.
Customers are free to take pictures in the photowall (beside the counter). People who bought their own pair of Shubizz shoes will have their picture taken by the store personnel. The photo will be posted in the "Celebrities of the Month" Bulletin board (on the other side of the counter). The concept is to make the consumers feel like a true celebrity. The photos will also be posted online via Shubizz' official website and Facebook account.
The sticker ad is made to look like a walk of fame tile that will lead the target market from the mall entrance directly to the store outlet.
A live TV streaming of the entrance door is included in every store. The streaming will be shown on the television which will be clearly seen from the store entrance. This way, people would get a chance to see themselves on TV just like the celebrities.
Screen caps of the brand bug I made with Adobe after effects. You can watch the full video below.
Brand bug created with Adobe After Effects CS5
Shubizz Visual Merchandising

Shubizz Visual Merchandising

A thesis study that involves the visual merchandising of Shubizz shoes.
