According to Jaques Lacan & Paul Ricoeur, language is like a traitor.
This app is a solution I found to try to fix this problem of communication.
How to write out what you really have in mind, what your thoughts mean.
I focused my research on typography and time.
The goal is to take your time to choose perfectly the perfect letter.
Does my message need to be heavy, light, vivid, big, etc, ?
With this tool, I imagine a new slow way to communicate.
The users have to compose and design their messages, letters after letters.
Instead of using emoticones, feelings can be included in the shapes of the word itself.
«If WORDS are a crossing point of THOUGHT ...
TYPOGRAPHY is the tangibility of thought.»

Jean-François Porchez, The design of the Invisible.
Slow Communication App
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Slow Communication App

According to Jaques Lacan & Paul Ricoeur, language is a like traitor. This app is a solution I found to try to fix this problem of communication. Daha Fazla Bilgi

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