Kyle Lows profil

An Exploration on Abstracts

There was this one time that famous wedding photographer Zung messaged back on Instagram, asking me if I wanted to do some "Special" photography. I suppose I can honestly say that I just wanted to work with the man, and when asked by the person himself I thought it was a flattering honour that I should respond back.

I have always been capturing abstracts on my Instagram account, and to be asked to photograph only abstracts for an upscaled wedding in a high-class hotel of Kuala Lumpur would be a priviledge, considering that it's mostly a pleasure to do your own stuff rather than the usual cover work for events.

This was about 6 months back, and I wondered why I left the images in my hard disk for so long before taking a look at them again and processing them. I think some of them may be desktop wallpaper-worthy.
An Exploration on Abstracts


An Exploration on Abstracts

I was tasked to photograph abstracts in a high-end wedding. That's interesting to say the least.
