Profiel van Patrick Snyder

Sellers Galenbeck and Nelson website

Sellers Galenbeck and Nelson are experienced lawyers defending Iowa medical professions in the face disciplinary action or unfair work conditions.
The previous website was created within one-size-fits all template. The new site’s main focus was to showcase their expertise online – something their old site didn’t. Featuring photos of Des Moines locations including the Supreme Court and Capital, we created a easy to navigate layout that is flexible enough to contain dense legal information. Using a powerful red color alongside the black and white photography positions the law firm as confident and assertive. All the things you’d look for in defense attorneys.
Before and After
Sellers Galenbeck and Nelson website

Sellers Galenbeck and Nelson website

I was part of the team that created the brand personality for Sellers, Galenbeck & Nelson, including the visual design of the website.


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