This is Nigeria...
Just a few frames made on the streets of Lagos.
The main objective was to capture the conditions that this people live on.
Lagos is one of the richest cities in Africa, altough 61.9% of this people live in very poor conditions...this has a direct effect on robery and violent attacks...
>This is Nigeria...the lonely boy<
>This is Nigeria...Street vibes#1<
>This is Nigeria...Street vibes#2<
>This is Nigeria...Street vibes#3<
>This is Nigeria...Street vibes#4<
>This is Nigeria...Street vibes#5<
>This is Nigeria...street vibes#6<
Comments and constructive critics to help to improve my work are wanted...

HUGE thanks for watching.... 
This is Nigeria...


This is Nigeria...

Just a few frames about Lagos street life style, one of the most populated cities in the world...
