Ashley Caswell profili

Competitive Scholarships 2016

"50 Knight Helmets"
Pages 1-2 of "Supply Run", a four-page comic.
"Window and Column Studies" 
Drawn while studying abroad in VIterbo, Italy.
"The Court of the Flowers"
"Spring Has Sprung"
"Why Do We Speak English?"
"A Quick Errand"
Hand-pulled "Sweater Series"
Cover and Sample Pages from "More than the Four: Diverse Body Types for Women"
A 24-page zine criticizing the limited ways women's bodies are depicted in the media by providing several examples of how unique women's bodies can be. 
"Baboons in West Africa"
Competitive Scholarships 2016
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Competitive Scholarships 2016

A collection of work from my junior year at MICA.

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