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Four Reasons Why VPS is Better than Shared Hosting

Choosing the right web hosting service can be a challenging task. If you end up making a wrong choice, it could ruin your website and business. On the other hand, a good hosting service can complement your business, security, sales and profit, SEO, traffic and conversion.
After choosing the most suitable hosting service for your business or personal use, there is another thing you need to consider – Shared hosting or VPS hosting. Shared hosting is usually inexpensive; as a result, many people opt for it. VPS hosting has its own merits and is great for your business.
In this article, let’s focus on why VPS hosting is way better than shared hosting.
1)  It offers you more control
Everyone loves to be the master of his own site. With a shared hosting package, you may not really enjoy the true feeling of ownership. With Virtual private server, you will enjoy more options and have better control than its shared cousin.
With a shared plan, you do not have the option to change ‘commands on terminals’. You get all the default settings readymade. All you have to do is name your server and setup a CMS.
Having Command over Linux terminals is a huge plus. You do not have to be a geek to do this. However, if you don’t prefer doing it manually, you can also opt for a ‘managed VPS plan’.
2)  It offers more resources
Shared hosting is more like a shared hostel room where you will have to share everything including the restroom and your privacy as well. Your hosting company may deal with thousands of websites along with yours in a single hosting server. That means there will be more RAM usage and more chances of memory leaking tendency. Your site will use only the remaining amount of RAM left.
The case is different with a VPS connection. They will have just a handful of sites on a single server, even if you don’t leave the shared surrounding. You will enjoy more efficiency, faster speeds, less downtime and better control.
3)  Better for SEO optimization
A good web host can definitely help your SERP ranking. Factors like uptime, speed and security are great for SEO. Unfortunately or fortunately, all these factors depend on your web hosting service. Considering all these, a VPS connection is your best bet. A dedicated IPs is all that you can ask for to enjoy the ultimate optimization results.
4)  Better security
Security is an important aspect of any business, more so for your online business. These days hackers find loopholes and take on websites just for fun. And that’s the last thing you need after working so hard for the success of your business.
As a VPS hosting offers more control, you can protect your server the way you desire. Since your VPS connection does not have many shared sites, chances of malware attacks are lesser. If hosted in a VPS server, a website is less affected by malware attacks.
To sum up
More space, more bandwidth, easy upgrade and downgrade, easy configuration, specialized offers, dedicated customer service, easy backup and scalability and firewall securities are some of the advantages of VPS connections.
If you are a gamer or a business owner, VPS hosting is your best option.    
Four Reasons Why VPS is Better than Shared Hosting
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Four Reasons Why VPS is Better than Shared Hosting

VPS vs shared servers - how to choose between them what are the advantages and disadvantages?

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