the word 'cliché' basically means one of two things:

1. a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it no longer has much meaning and is not interesting (oxford dicitonary)
2. stereotype printing, the original sense of "cliché", coming from the sound when the matrix is dropped into molten metal to make a printing plate (wikipedia)

I struck with the second (not as common) definition as the starting point- clishe as a sort of a stencil. Stencils are usually used for repetition, which connected me with the second word:
'pattern' or 'template':

"a discernible regularity in the world or in manmade design As such, the elements of a pattern repeat in a predictable manner"

A pattern can be an example, a template, a model, a form, an ornament-- in other words- a CODE.

The Universe is full of rhythmic repetitions. For starters, everything here is made out of micro particles and atoms; a human differentiates from other beings solely by a different DNA- by a different amount and position of those same fractions.
In other words- we are made out of the same fabric, just our patterns differ.

The topic of DNA led me to genes and my own family tree. How much of our behaviour is determined by us (free will) and how much does our genes and environment have influence? This was the lead question that I tried to ponder within this exposition.

It is written in the Holy Bible that God created Man according to His image. Humans as various packs of the DNA code, different ornaments of the same fractions.

As a process I scanned my whole body, using it as a cliché/base for all of the compositions. I also scanned old photographs of my family, or some sort of a different graphic relic (such as a USSR stamp from my grandma's marriage certificate). I collected a huge amount of material and even though I was not expecting to find something new I did find quite a few details that enriched the faded life of my family members and helped me to envision the life that they led a bit better.

A person trying to brake away from the trail of her own family, an individual trying to find and create herself independent of clichés that were granted for her at birth- this was the major theme throughout my exhibition.

All in all, its just a young person searching for her own identity.
Sounds like a cliché theme?
Well, we're back where we started, aren't we.



This is quite a conceptual project for Vilnius Art Academy, where I currently study. We were asked to make digital prints revolving around the to Read More
