FM tv
Responsive Website Design
Objective - create a responsive website for Fuse Music TV (FM tv) that provides an engaging user experience and aligns with the brand’s purpose-driven message. Additionally, a complete design guideline should be established to ensure consistency across all pages and elements of the website.
Approach - create a wireframe and visual design for the website that aligns with the brand’s values, tone, and aesthetic. The design will incorporate a responsive layout, ensuring the website looks and functions optimally on all devices. The team will also develop a complete design guideline that outlines typography, color palettes, image styles, and other design elements to maintain consistency throughout the website.
Results - A fully responsive website for FM tv that aligns with the brand’s purpose-driven message, engages users, and provides an optimal user experience across all devices. The website will also have a complete design guideline to ensure consistency in design elements throughout the site. concept

Propietario concept

Re Design for the site and a new concept for I worked on this in POSSIBLE in collaboration by Eduardo Chang
