Irene Rodríguez sin profil

Memories. / Recuerdos.

Memories. / Recuerdos.
My grandmother told us many stories of the Civil War of Spain. But the one I’ve shown in thisdrawing has always been one ofthe most moving ones. She,Juliana, and her family, had spent time in a refugee camp in France, which was in reality like a concentration camp. After some time, they re-entered Spainwhen it was still at war. When they reached the border, her parents forced her toget rid of a doll she had. It wasa republican militia man...Take it could have cost them their lives. Mygrandmother always told us how hard it was for herand how that moment remained fixed in her memory. She left itin a river near a bridge theycrossed near the border.
Sothis illustrationis for her, to Juliana, the girl who decades after would become the world's best grandma. I miss her.
Memories. / Recuerdos.

Memories. / Recuerdos.

I used pencil on paper and the added colour and textures with Photoshop.
