Profil appartenant à Garth VickersProfil appartenant à Dan Hankinson

Star Wars London

The Project
An experimental short to celebrate Star Wars - The Force Awakens premiere in London December 2015. We wanted to portray all the iconic machines as if they were travelling towards the centre of the capital.
VFX Breakdown
London Premiere ITV slot
The video did really well online, and got multiple pieces written about it, as well as a piece on ITV London during the Star Wars London Premiere coverage.
Online features
It was awesome to see this video get picked online and on television, and to be received so well. It appeared all over the internet, the article by Imagineer Systems is one of my favourites.
Star Wars London
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Star Wars London

An experimental short to celebrate Star Wars - The Force Awakens premiere in London December 2015. We wanted to portray all the iconic machines a Lire la suite

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