Work Technical Details


Into the Wind : Bubble 
First off, the user is perceived by an ultrasonic sensor on the interaction station which then trigger the water pump to pump up the bubble solution on to the double line robe. Then the motor start spinning to pull the rope apart creating a square surface of bubble. At this point, the user will be encouraged to blow into the blow switch by lighting up the “Blow” text in the station. After the user blow into the blow switch, the fan will start to flow and an enormous bubble will be formed. All of this is controlled by a single controller, an arduino.
Into the Wind : Cotton
    The software in this piece contain only a single rule, turn on the fan whenever the user blow into the sensor.


The cubical structure is reinforced by steel beams as its core then wrapped by clear plastic sheaths on each side. The floor of the cube is layered by wooden planks. Next to each cube, an interaction box is placed at the optimal height for user interaction. Each structure distinction is as follow.
Into the Wind : Bubble
    The front plastic sheath has a gigantic hole for creating an enormous bubble. Two line of ropes are stretched vertically across the middle of  the hole. At the top, the ropes are knotted to the bubble solution tube which is connected to the pump for pumping up the bubble solution from a container below. At the middle of the ropes, hardly visible threads are tied to the rope while on the other end of the threads are connected to a motor. When the motor rotates the two rope are pulled apart creating a layer of bubble waiting to be blowed. The wind is created by two fans on the floor inside the cube.
Into the Wind : Cotton.
The top plastic sheath has a gigantic hole for the out flow of the air. The hole has a net preventing the cotton from escaping. There are four fans on the floor which are positioned to create a vortex.
Into the wind

Interactive Installation Art @Wonderfruit Festival 2015
Duration: 17-20 December 2015
Location: Siam Country Club ,Pattaya ,Thailand​

artist :witaya junma
programmer Wisa.Wing
    This idea is the collaboration between me - interactive installation artist 'O' Witaya Junma and Wonderfruit.
Since Wonderfruit is about raising awareness about how we affect nature, it’s the perfect setting for an interactive installation with which guests can engage and have fun. I love the idea of an art piece standing in the fields of Siam County, surrounded by trees, nature, and wonderful energy. I want to create a landmark within Wonderfruit and for people to enjoy it as part of their festival experience.
I’m hoping to build installations that mimic the effects of the wind, where the breath of each person will create an outcome. In the first piece, each person’s breath will create a breeze in a glass model filled with items gathered from the natural surroundings. The second piece is a gigantic bubble blower. When someone blows into the sensor, it will send a signal into the bubble blower machine, which will generate a giant bubble that will float around the area. Not only will these installations emphasize the effect of man on nature, they’ll also be a fun activity for the festival goers.

​   Inspired by my observation on surroundings in everyday life, "Into the Wind" was started as an experiment
to reproduce a natural process in natural space, based on technological technique and human perception.

The main focus of this project is wind, a simple natural force flowing between us. We cannot see it yet we
can realise its existence, feeling its movements and watching it breathes life into grass and pollen. Audience
are appointed to replicate wind by triggering designed mechanisms with their breath.

Into the Wind consists of two installations. One is an interpretation of blowing bubbles process. Shapes and
forms of bubbles are varied depending on how audience blow. The audience can observe the whole
process and mechanism, thanks to transparent structures.

Another one is an interpretation of whirlwind, using cotton wool to illustrate the process. Audience's breath
affects how cotton wool float. Wind is created when the blow is strong enough. It swirls cotton wool and
forms a whirlwind. Its speed is determined by the way the audience breathe.

Into the Wind is designed to mimic nature, Turning breath into wind by computer programming.
The wind then activates and moves parts of the mechanisms. The results are different every time, making
each interaction unique.

The project also encourages audience to experience and question the processes. They are observers?
Or they are a part of the mechanisms?


A Thai media artist, Witaya translates concepts of light, time and space into interactive installations through which the audience shapes their own narrative. Through hacking and reconstructing electronic systems, he produces specific responsive situations. His censor-triggered installations at Wonderfruit invite participants to activate their own unique phenomenon. By getting ‘into the wind’ you can explore the idea of man's ideal working nature in relation to the actual natural world.
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Interactive Installation Art @Wonderfruit Festival 2015 Duration: 17-20 December 2015 Location: Siam Country Club ,Pattaya ,Thailand​ artist wi Lire la suite

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