Perfil de Anna Lorenzi

Spazi, oggetti, utenti, analisi di infinite relazioni

Degree project
For the Winter exam session 2012/13
Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bolzano
Supervisor: Roberto Gigliotti – Second supervisor: Alvise Mattozzi
“Places, objects, users: analysis of unlimited relations”

The starting point of my work has been made by an inquiry over space, intended as a planned
element, and over the relationship taking place between objects and users which stay in there.
After having observed different kinds of enclosed spaces, my choice went on a particular one:
semi-public spaces, whose attendance and responsibility is shared among large groups of people.
The result of this process has been a set of modular elements: the composition of these forms can lead at
the same time to the creation of self-standing objects and devices able to relate to already available elements.
Through users’ interaction, the project starts to signify reinventing its shape over places and activities, 
in order to display the unlimited relations binding spaces, objects and users. 
Spazi, oggetti, utenti, analisi di infinite relazioni
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Spazi, oggetti, utenti, analisi di infinite relazioni

Degree project For the Winter exam session 2012/13 Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bolzano Supervisor: Roberto Gigliotti – Se Ver mais

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