Perfil de Brigitta PéniPerfil de Sara Viemann

Be'at their heart

Cardiac arrest cause 20 to 25,000 death per year, 60% of the victims are women. This caused by the lack of coherence of the electirc discharges between heart muscles, which means that the heart is unable to pump enough blood to other parts of the body. The result that the patient will die within 10 minutes if he doesn’t get help. If someone gets CPR/CCR treatment that increases the chances of survival. Only in the US since the start of the campaign the number of survivors increased by 4% and it’s still growing.
We are assigned to create a public space that explains the situation, describes what to do in such cases and also provides an opportunity for the parctise. This should be an instrument which is vandal-resistant, withstand to weather conditions and has all the steps that are needed to acquire the proper CCR/CPR knowledge.
A lot of research done on the subject and we found the most common spoiled things in any situation. The biggest problem is when somewone doesn’t get any help. Other problems when they spoil the rythm, not pressing the chest part enough, not letting the chest to lift, not pushing it on the perfect place. We thought that the activity of the heart massage will be the key role in the design.
We wanted to create an installation that makes a deep impression on the user and can become an iconic symbol which sticks in people and thereby becomes wellknown. We used such simbols what communicate at first glance what the object is all about. And the spot is also a challenge what rising the competitive spirit in the user.
An iconic installation what from the right angle shapes a huge heart with a pressure surface at the center. As we getting closer to the spot we can read the steps of the CCR in the correct order untill we get to the final step, to the heartmassage. This approach makes the people understand the steps. By pressing the button the liquid in the pipes starts to rise. The rules are easy: with the appropriate rhythm of CCR we can pump the liquid into the tubes. If the user ruins the beat or does CCR too slowly, or stops the pushing, the fluid begins to decline. Only the correct pumping fills up the form
At the end of the game the user is able to check the display: how many pump he did during the activity so he can realise how difficult is to keep someone alive. In addition we can also see how many lifes “have been saved” since the spot exist. For the more curious people a table next to the spot desicribes about the steps and gives more information abot sudden cardiac arrest.
As our research revealed that the 60% of the victims are female we thought that is important to shape the pressing surface as female chest. The kneeling surfaces allow to access the activity form both sides.
Be'at their heart

Be'at their heart

We are assigned to create a public space that explains cardiac arrest and the situation, describes what to do in such cases and also provides an Leer más


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