«Time for Harvest» is the grafical novel (illustrated poem) by italian author Jason R. Forbus.
The book was designed and fully illustrated by Theoretical part.
It's a bleak story about transformation of human soul with happy end.

For this project we done 20 different illustrations, each one originally is an A3 drawing, 210 x 297 mm, ink on paper,
then each one was colored in digital. Also we designed title lettering, 36 different capital letters for each page
(for two languages - english and italian) and different decorative frames for each spread of the book.

It was very laborious and interesting process, we done the whole project within 4 months.
Original text is a poem by italian author, so here we placed the conditional text (using our own magical alphabet),
so as not to violate copyrights.


«On the edge of the precipice. Before everything collapses»


Thank you for watching!

«Time For Harvest»


«Time For Harvest»

«Time for harvest» book. Designed and fully illustrated by Theoretical part. Ink drawings, digital coloring. 3,5 months of work.
