continooos is an art project founded with the humble goals to connect artists and inspire art lovers from all over the globe. Not only will the participating artists be collaborating with individuals whom they might have never met, their artworks will also directly connected. The aim is to release one artwork by one artist each week, accompanied by an interview where you can get to know the person who created it. Eventually all of these consecutive artworks will result in one giant art wall on our website. The idea for this project came at the end of 2015 while I was looking back at my work that year. The moment I realized that I had spent most of my time on client projects and commissions was also the moment I knew I wanted to devote more of my time on personal art in 2016. For my spare time this year I would be needing a project that would allow me to collaborate with others, get to know people from all over the globe and polish my skills in communication and creative direction. 
Continooos was born and I immediately started writing out my ideas and inviting some of the most amazing creatives I could come up with. Luckily many of these seemed interested and were excited to join the project.
You will be amazed by what is to come, trust me. 
- Mart Biemans
Thank you for watching! 
For more updates follow me on Facebook and Instagram!


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Submission for continooos
