Profil appartenant à Yeonjeong Ko

떡갈비 - Tteokgalbi poster

Last autumn, I had my first tteokgalbi experience in Gwangju.
The poster below impresses my feeling on the awesome tteokgalbi I had in Gwangju.
Tteokgalbi (떡갈비) is sort of korean barbecue in Korea.
It's made with grinded beef, vegitables and tteok (rice cake), which gives its chewy texture.
After marinaded in sweet soy sauce, it's barbecued on the grill.
Gwangju, one of the biggest cities in South Korea, is famous for this
and they have a street soley for Tteokgalbi restaurants called Tteokgalbi street.
떡갈비 - Tteokgalbi poster
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떡갈비 - Tteokgalbi poster

광주 송정 떡갈비를 맛본 후의 감동을 담아 떡갈비에 헌정하는 포스터를 만들었습니다.

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