Work From 2009 - 2010
Fashion Design, Print Design, Fiber-based Sculpture
School of Skeletons print in tank top
modeled by Sarah Parkinson
School of Skeletons print in fishbone dress
Modeled by Sarah Parkinson
Textile Interpretations of Insects
Hand-painted silk, sheet metal, glass, leather, and brush bristles 
Ode to the Phoenix
Silk organza, silk-screened leather, and copper sheet
Cornell Fashion Collective 2010: Snow Crystals 
Modeled by Samantha Warner
Photos By Tina C.
Cornell Fashion Collective 2010: Snow Crystals 
Modeled by Anna Benjamin 
Photos By Tina C.
Feng Shui
London International Creative Competition Honorable Mention 
Modeled by Eva Drago
Photos by Shai Eynav
Rusted Richard Serra Dress
Modeled by Samantha Warner
Richard Serra Coat
Modeled by Samantha Warner
Turtle Backpack
Modeled by Jesse Ruoff
Cornell Fashion Collective 2009
modeled by Samantha Warner
Past Work

Past Work

Various personal, school, and extracurricular projects I've done over the past few years.
