Altered Reality
I sometimes notice interesting objects to photograph.  Every so often, when I get home and go through the results, I discover that either the photograph is not as interesting as I originally thought, or that it is interesting but poorly photographed.  For some reason, I am of the belief that within every photo there exists something of value.  I will take the otherwise forgettable photos I have, and play around with them on my computer.  In my case, I use Apple Aperture.  I will try, at random, some very dramatic changes to colours, exposure, white balance, highlights/shadows, etc.   Once in awhile, I will come up with something that really piques my interest; even more than the original photo.  If I find it intriguing enough, I will make duplicates of the photo and make a number of changes to each one, so that I will have a set of identical photos which have been distorted differently.  I don't know why, but I find this fun...  In any case, I have posted a few examples here...
Graffiti 1
Graffiti 2
Graffiti 3
Chicago Lights 1
Chicago Lights 2
Žaliasis tiltas
Engagement Lights
The Rose
Curtain 1
Curtain 2
Paukščių takas 1
Paukščių takas 2
Lighthouse 1
Lighthouse 2
Titanic 1
Titanic 2
Titanic 3
Impo 1
Impo 2
Impo 3
Summerstown 1
Summerstown 2
Summerstown 3
Summerstown 4
Altered Reality

Altered Reality

These are photos that I have randomly played around with, and made various adjustments to, in order to see the results...
