Torin Shields's profile

Pinterest For Windows Phone 7 (concept)

I am a new member of I noticed that they only had a smartphone app for iPhone and not for WP7 or Android OS. I decided to do a quick design concept of what I think it should look like. I am somewhat biased as I am a WP7 user so that's the design I chose. I am sure they are working on a app for both platforms as I speak but I wanted to stretch my design legs so-to speak. I do not work for Pinterest, this is merely a design exercise.
WP7 design language is called 'Metro'. Very Clean. Very Chrome less. I tried best to follow that design language but in all honestly, nailing that look is MUCH harder than it looks.  
Obviously 'Live Tiles' are one of WP7 main focuses. Glance and Go information. I would fully expect what the Pinterest app would become to incorporate it.
This is where you would first arrive inside the app. Obviously I tried to keep it as close to metro as possible. Font, Chrome less. Again, much harder than it looks. The first pane "Explore", would give you a look at a bit of everything. Pins from people you follow, those you don't and categories you've shared you interest in. 
For those unfamiliar with WP7's UI, there is usually a bar at the bottom in apps that will rise upon touch that hides things like "Settings" and other information about the actual app. I tried best I could to illustrate that here.
This is the 2nd pane that displays the people you are following. When you tap a letter an it will give you letters to choose from in order to pick the first letter of the follower you are trying to look for. The 'search' at the bottom in present regardless of the pane you are in and is a general search for pins.
The 3rd pane is "Categories". and gives a more precise listing of the general categories on Pinterest with out a general search.
The 4th and final pane is 'Boards' which shows the various boards you have and allows you do edit them.
The profile is only accessible when you tap your Pinterest username in the top right.
On the 1st pane you can long press and reveal a couple options for individual pins. You can obviously 're-pin' but (exclusive to WP7) you can pin individual pins, categories, and followers to your WP7 home screen as a live tile to keep an eye on them without opening the application. 
The camera pane is accessible when you take a snapshot with your camera and use 'share' and choose 'Pinterest'. (You can also jump into the camera within the app by tapping the "P" in any pane)
Pinterest For Windows Phone 7 (concept)

Pinterest For Windows Phone 7 (concept)

This is just a quick design exercise I did about how I see the Pinterest for WP7 app looking. I am in no way affiliated with Pinterest.
