Lyfeloggin’thoughtz explores the subject of life logging, issues of privacy and image ownership. I wore two narrative clips (which are small wearable cameras that take photos every 60 seconds), one mounted towards myself and another directed outwards. The photos captured are then presented in the format of a teen tumblr blog. In addition I wore a digitally printed coverall that had a self referential repeat of my head wearting the two narrative clips. 
selfie view
environment view
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Blog Description Excerpt:
" LYFE is spelled with a "y" because the normal word "life" is so mundane and meaningless. for example, "i hate life." that statement is nowhere near as powerful as "i hate lyfe" because the "y" allows us to question... "WHY?" y does lyfe exist? y do i hate lyfe? y does LYFE suck/pwn so much? Sometimes you can have a Freudian slip and just randomly let out a loud sigh in the middle of class: "LYFE." that word alone with the presence of the "y" speaks a thousand words. "
Urban Dictionary, (2014). lyfe. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jul. 2014].
a.k.a Life logging experiment using a narrative clip
Life logging is the concept of capturing and recording everything in one's life. As wearable technology becomes increasingly cheaper and accessible, some speculate that in the near future it would be common practice. 

I am interested in exploring the social and psychological implications of wearing the cameras in public for 2 consecutive weeks.

The blog aesthetic is characterized by 90s tech nostalgia, for example the use of pixilation, 8 bit, gifs, myspace aesthetic...etc; as well as current post internet aesthetics: pervasive irony, reference to net/app iconography, and ‘internet’ humor (e.g. memes). This aesthetic is particularly fascinating as it seems to have originated from the demography of digital natives who have grown up with the internet as always being a part of their lives. The employment of this aesthetic aims to envision the technology in a normalized context of potential adopters. 

This project is made possible through the Decimal Lab at University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada.
Installation view at the RISD museum Gelman Gallery as part of the Fever Dream show February 2015. 


Life logging experiment using a narrative clip


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